
Ended free showing of film today about Wormwood possibility regarding NASA identified meteor impact (?), Humanity's Last Stand. I only had one church pastor in the region verbalize support after private viewing. He recommended to local regional pastor's association and his flock. Turn out was very poor. Major resistance was encountered. Gave out as many as 400 free tickets at high school football games on Friday nights and a Fellowship of Christian Athletes' (FCA) event. I tried to get FCA and local pastors behind showing as evangelical outreach to schools and churches. Marquee stating Free Movie advertised for 2 weeks. Only saw one possible high school or college age girl come. God knows.....This is the eve of Feast of Trumpets, tomorrow ends the Shemitah year, a 7 year cycle consistently seeing sell off in the stock market. God instituted 7 years with a rest at the end. Some say this is a Jubilee year ending October 5, Tishri 10. Praise God, His Word does not return void.

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