
Alright, for everyone that discussed the transgender issues with me before, I have a couple of updates...

I have come to the belief that it is wrong to address someone by a pronoun thats inconsistent w/ their sex and this is why:

(There's not enough room so I'll post my reasons in a comment)

1. To call someone by a sex other than the one that God has made them is dishonoring to God. If a potter made a vase, to call the vase a mug would be to say that the Potter was not making what he intended to make.

2. It is not respectful to a person to call them by a different pronoun. To assume it is honoring/respectful is to assume we always desire things that are honoring for ourselves, yet we ask for dishonored things all of the time. Just look at the sex culture today. For an individual to seek sex before marriage is dishonoring to his/herself. In the same way, asking someone to regard you differently that your natural sex is dishonorable to yourself.

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