
The lack of support of Israel is disturbing. Have we forgotten our precious scriptures in that God has made a forever covenant with this nation? This nation is the apple of His eye! And those of use who are in Christ have been adopted and grafted into this family of Israel. So, if you are a Believer in Yeshua, then you are part of the nation of Israel. You have inherited the blessings of Abraham. And what of Palestine? The Palestinian people need to hear the gospel of Jesus and we should pray that they choose to receive this Truth. Once they do, then they are one with all Believers as they are also now grafted and adopted into the family of God and inherit the blessings of Israel. Also, let us not forget that Israel is RESPONDING to the ongoing attacks by its neighbors who have a deep and unending hatred for their nation and won't stop until all are dead. Israel is willing to live with their neighbors, but Palestine is not willing to live in peace with Israel. Peace to Jerusalem.

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