~~~ For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? I Peter 4:17

~~~ Watchman: "don't you know God loves those precious, aborted babies? Don't you know God's heart breaks as His people merely cluck their tongues as a child dies on the film of a pervert and has many buyers? Don't you know God hates the dishonest scale that steals bread from the children in America and funds another toy of luxury of the executive? Don't you know the humbled heart of the Church can turn this around? Where is Her corporate voice? Don't you know ancient Israel was the "Apple of His Eye" also. And Jeremiah wept bitterly over Israel, too, as Jacob went as captive to Babylon?

~~~ Watchman, say pleasant things to me!

~~~ "I can't, I can't, till the Church repents as a whole!"

******* ~~~ Watchman! Watchman!! What do you see? Watchman, why do you weep? Watchman, why has your face turned pale? Watchman, do you hear me? Watchman, why don't you answer? Watchman, why do your lips tremble in silence? Watchman, can't you speak, can't you speak? Watchman, why do you weep so bitterly?

~~~ ''If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.''

Thomas Jefferson

~~~ ''Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains taken to bring it to light.''

George Washington

~~~ We must acknowledge that we have sinned, need to repent of very serious charges, and lead worship into all our nation !!! ~~~ Lord Jesus, I pray You put it in our hearts to worship You as we repent of many of our nation's sins, and ask You to come and deliver us from our enemies!! I pray we do not fall back into Revelation 3:16 apathy, but take a new path of obedience to the Living God, and teach our children, again, to bow before You, and do as You have asked us!

~~~ Thank you, Mr. President !!
~~~ Like Israel in war, we need to send out the worshipers to do battle in the unseen, and prepare the way for the soldiers !!!!
~~~ Let's be like King David, and run forward as we shout: how dare they come against the people of the Living God!!!''

@sinbach ~~~ Fairly accurate at the rate it is being used!

~~~ Let us repent of the Revelation 3:16 apathy that leaves the blood of 61,000,000 American citizens squarely on our hands for not doing all in our power to end Roe v Wade!!!!
~~~ Let us repent of the apathy of letting porned children suffer for a $B industry in America!!!
~~~ Micah 6:8; American Church, you KNOW what to do, now, go do it !!!

~~~ Voter fraud is totally unAmerican, and must be swiftly and thoroughly dealt with, along with the international communists that are working overtime to overthrow America!!
~~~ Let us say with King David, how dare they come against the people of the Living God !!!!
~~~ Let us rise up and worship our God, and ask Him to come back into our nation as Lord, and rebuild the nation He formed for taking His Loving Gospel around the world!!!

~~~ Just as Nehemiah led his people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, each holding a tool in one hand, and a weapon in the other, so we must our weapon of spiritual warfare with our tools of war against communism and treason!
~~~ Jesus will prevail through our work and prayers!
~~~ Israel sent out the Worshipers first in battle, so must we send worshipers to win the war !!!!

maggieb boosted

China has just proposed new laws to punish foreign Christians doing personal ministry inside China. We outline the specific laws that are the most problematic.

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@sinbach ~~~ This violence sickened my heart when I was a teen; but what is scary is that this visual no longer stabs my heart as it did once. Such a need to stay close to the heart of Jesus!! Our nation's violent ''entertainment'' has stolen much innocence. There is good reason Paul said to, basically, keep our minds fully occupied with prayer, things honorable, renewing our minds, and wearing a helmet of Salvation!! ~~~ God have mercy on our children !!!!

maggieb boosted

Please pray for the church in Sweden... fear of man seems to be bigger than the fear of God. We are only worshiping in our homes alone these days. I miss coming together in a churchbuilding with my brothers and sisters🙏💕

@sinbach ~~~ This violence sickened my heart when I was a teen; but what is scary is that this visual no longer stabs my heart as it did once. Such a need to stay close to the heart of Jesus!! Our nation's violent ''entertainment'' has stolen much innocence. There is good reason Paul said to, basically, keep our minds fully occupied with prayer, things honorable, renewing our minds, and wearing a helmet of Salvation!! ~~~ God have mercy on our children !!!!

maggieb boosted

Today as you attend your church, please remember the martyred Christians in Indonesia. Two days ago 4 Christians from the Salvation Army were killed and beheaded and six churches were burned to the ground.
WARNING - this report contains graphic photos that might be disturbing for minors.

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