The Dutch feminist organization Voorzij ("For Her") had its bank account with Bunq closed because they don't recognize "trans women" as real women. When a member of the group tried to access their account through the bank's app, they saw the following message: "We are closing your bank account. Your activities do not match what we stand for as a company."

The bank later confirmed that the feminist group's account was closed due to what they consider "discrimination against trans women."

PayPal also dropped Voorzij.…

Isn't it evident by now that the only way to remain on Trump's good side for long is to be a perpetual sycophant?

Trump Turns on His Old Lawyer for DeSantis Disloyalty
Make America Florida

DeSantis concentrates on doing what's right but, if like a Trumpist, you're highest priority is triggering the Marxists, DeSantis can do that too. Often it amounts to the same thing.

Make America Florida

DeSantis Signs Florida’s 6-Week Abortion Ban

18 Wasteful Items in the $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
"including $575 million for “reproductive health” where population growth “threatens biodiversity,” $11 million for LGBT-related projects, and millions more for border security for other countries."

@KarlGessler True Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit Who does not cohabit with demons. True Christians are slaves of righteousness.

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