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If an employer requires a vaccine, they are held liable to any injuries caused by the vaccine according to OSHA's new guidance.

Yes! I get my ninja star with this Ding! 🥋 🎉 🙌

The Board of Supervisors are meeting NOW to vote on a response Senate President Fann’s May 12th letter.

JUST IN - Israel unloading bombs on before a potential ceasefire. Hamas has not fired any new rockets for 3 hours despite Israeli airstrikes. @disclosetv

Eric G boosted

Sisters and brothers abroad, please pray for Bolivia, for wisdom and faith upon His people.

It is possible to pray for and support Israel while loving the Palestinians and praying for them as well. We need not get caught up in taking sides.

Yes, I know praying for Israel comes with a promised blessing, but dare I say praying for a perceived enemy comes with a greater blessing?

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