which of these two is the best way to express your faith: going to church or loving your neighbor?


@pamela we are to be the church -this is not the same as going to church. God is relational. He acts and functions from the strength of . Unfortunately an emphasis on being spiritual (from human perspective not God's) robs us of the ability to be relational. Until we grasp that God's spirituality comes from being relational we will emphasize what we think is spirituality to the detriment of all else. To answer your question -both (Mark 12:29-34). Love God, love your neighbour, love yourself.

@moamfj that's right! I didn't want to write the question as: "going to the temple" because we are the temple or "congregating" because we are not called to do "meetings"... I know we understand the idea of 'going to church' eventhough is wrong. Apart from all that, the bible says that we will be known by our love and there are multiple ways to show love... so thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!

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