My name is Rodney Hine. In 2004 I started using crystal meth to cope with life. In 2006 I was arrested and released on promise to appear. In 2008 I got my girlfriend at the time pregnant. Shortly after I got arrested. This woman fought for me and helped get me out of jail and into treatment. At the end of 2008 our baby was born. Early 2009 we got married. Fall of 2009 I finished treatment and started using again. 2012 I left my wife and son to run the streets and do drugs. 2015 I'm on the brink of suicide when I call out to God to move in my life. Shortly after I entered Adult and Teen Challenge and gave my heart to Jesus. 2016 I graduated the program, my marriage is restored and my family moves 8 hours from home to start a new live with me. 2021 I'm now the Program Manager of the men's center I graduated from.

All glory to the one who saved me and gave me a new heart. Never lose hope, God can do anything.


@Hinerodney Thanks for sharing. Congrats also to your wife and fellow heir in Christ who demonstrates love covers a multitude of sins. Recently the thought occurred to me that drugs is just another ploy to bind the strong man to rob and destroy a person. I was considering how the homeless and some mentally ill persons were being treated in this season and I reflected on the recent push to legalize marijuana. If a person is destroyed in spirit, soul or body it is very hard though not impossible for that person to function. The new push is the same strategy all over again. It helps when followers of Christ understand the Adversary's goal.
In the name of Jesus Christ I ask You to continue to perfect my brother bringing him to the place of perfect soundness. I pray that the Spirit of wisdom, counsel, discretion and the fear of God would rest on his shoulders enabling him to speak life to the broken. Help him be a faithful steward in Your house releasing Your provision at set timel

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