
Happy new year!

Once every month (Feb-Nov) a prayer will be posted to you. If you agree you may say/type AMEN. You may also add to it.

Heavenly Father,

We are grateful...
-heaven belongs to You, the earth belongs to us Ps 115:16
-for Your righteous rulings Ps 119:164
-this year to dwell in Your courts, we will be satisfied with goodness from Your house Ps 65:4
-for the bride without spot, blemish or wrinkle Eph 5:27. She is glorious and wears her crowns well.
Lord the hairs are known Luk 12:7, the territories & periods of human civilizations are fixed Act 17:26. You alone satisfy the desire of all Ps 145:16.
In this year we ask that the bond, free, Jew, Gentile, Barbarian, Scythian, Greek, male, female, of every nation, tribe & tongue will clearly see & and understand (Rom 1:20) Your lavish generosity to them. May your goodness lead them to repentance Rom 2:4.
In Jesus name

Video: Generosity (English) (Español)

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