
-Genocide cont’d
Heavenly Father save & deliver the Uyghurs & the Rohingya
Destroy all weapons/plans targeting ethne
Destroy its evil funding & market
Bring the profiteers to swift shame & justice
We place additional resources to discipling tribes

-Organ harvesting & the human trade
Lord we oppose every evil trade, its financiers & profiteers (Rev 18:11-13)
Expose & hinder their evil plans
May they repent of their sins and be saved
Deliver & heal every victim
Destroy every evil holding facility

These things we ask if it is Your will
In Jesus name. AMEN

Video: In His Image
Genesis 1:26,27
ICR, the Institute for Creation Research

Unreached ethne: Viswakarma, Hausa, Nau Buddh, Kahar, Pasi, Thai, Koiri, Kayashta, Madiga, Mongol, Sonar, Kashmiri, Sayyid, Baloch, Nair, Mahratta Kunbi, Gujar, Lodha, Gadaria, IIavan, Banjara, Brahman, Vakhaliga, Minangkabau, Badhi, Bugis, Bhoi, Kurd, Kachhi, Kanuri

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