In building I clearly state my boundaries upfront so that others can know what they are. If I do not state them others cannot know them since they cannot read my mind.

This ends the series on building and handling emotions. Interested persons may obtain the study notes from:
The book Living with fences

Evil is active not passive. It continuously seeks out and creates new opportunities for doing evil. In building I take action by confronting issues. I do not passively wait to see what will happen. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

Envy made this home competitive. How might competition damage a relationship?

The purpose of a relationship is to renew strength. Envy and competition defeat the purpose of relationship.
The rule of envy in building good relationships tells me what others possess is outside of my realm of control. Envy signals what is outside of my realm of control. When envy exists I ask God to reveal what is missing from my life.

It is healthy to have a reaction to issues but this is not the end of the journey. It requires maturity to go beyond the reaction to reach out in love despite what may have been done.

There is a difference between hurting and harming someone. Often times we fail to act for fear of hurting others. Yet in doing nothing that person is harmed in the long run. If I act feelings may temporarily be hurt, but if the advice is taken on board, later on the person is better for the journey.

Tough love helps build good relationships. The most dysfunctional relationships are often formed by nice people. God is not nice He is kind.

Continuing on the series .

In building good relattionships it is neccessary to examine the hidden motives which drive dysfunction in my relationships.

In building I acknowledge that I have limits and do not allow others to push me beyond those coping limits.

I also recognize that I must respect the limits of others.

In building I must acknowledge and do what is in my power to do.

I should not focus on what I am powerless to do.

Summary of posts so far:
(heirs, emotions, rules, violating rule 1, fences)
(relationships at Church)

This post relates to .

In building we must separate what we are responsible for and what we are not for.

We are only responsible for what we can change.

of : law of and reaping

Life in God's universe is fair. Good sown-good reaped, evil sown-evil reaped.

I can speak out or take action when things are wrong in my relationships. But ultimately when others fail to listen, I can release them to reap what they are sowing.

It's like shaking off the dust of my feet when folks fail to receive the good news.

So far I explored:

God's way of building relationship
The 1st rule of building
How we violate rule 1
The purpose of our

Now I explore:

Rules 2-11

You can obtain a copy of the book, Living with fences, US $ 5 from

The material covered here comes from this book.

Hello again.
So far we explored the purpose of 3 emotions:
Let's explore 3 more:
James 1:17
Proverbs 18:24
1 Thessalonians 5:16,18

Excitement reminds us that God is the source of all that is good.
Loneliness reminds us to make and keep good friends.
Happiness reminds us to be thankful to God.

These 3 feelings were expressed in Hannah's life.

There are 3 ways to violate the 1st rule of building . Each way automatically leads to demonic bondage.

need a healthy input from my emotions.

Sadness says something or someone valuable has been lost.

Feelings are good. If I don't know what my feelings are telling me I will experience stress in my .

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Explains how a relationship with the living helps me in grief.

No emotion should control a person's life! Self-control, that wonderful fruit of the Holy Spirit, is added to the believer's life as part of a process (Galatians 5:22,23; 2Peter 1:5-15).

In demonic bondage there is no self-control. Here demons are in control. Deliverance through Christ the Messiah returns self-control to the person.

When self-control operatesin a life that person can better regulate the entire body including the feelings (1 Thessalonians 5:23; 1 Corinthians 14:32,33).

Fear says be careful, show respect, danger is near.

The bible reveals hundreds of passages with an angry scene.

The bible is not afraid of confronting anger.

Men are sometimes featured as an angry character, women as the provocation to anger.

In building you should know what triggers your anger.

Use this tool with any strong emotion to quickly come to a place of calm so that you can hear from God and move forward to a godly solution.

Each feeling has a purpose.

Our emotions provide us with useful information to help us make constructive decisions.

Anger says confront the problem.

Demonic attacks do not just occur. 1 John 5:18

Satan can only legally attack a believer because of:
Satanic activities
Sex outside of marriage

These 3 families of sins results in an automatic transfer of demons into the doer even if he/she is an unwilling participant.

Demonic activity often explains prolonged defeat in specific areas of the believer's life. Truth sets us free. Truth is a person (John 8:32; 14:6).

If God is not 1st then who or what is?

To build we cannot violate the most important rule, rule 1.

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