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Heavenly Father,
Today we pray for Your Church globally. In the season of famine we do not wish to be barren. We ask for help in comprehending the dimensions of Your love so that we will be filled with Your fulness Ephesians 3:18,19.
We desire to be full of:
Faith Acts 6:5
the Holy Spirit
Wisdom Acts 6:3
Joy, peace and hope Romans 15:13
Encouragement 2 Cor. 7:4
the fruit of righteousness Philippians 1:11
and the knowledge of Your will Colossians 1:9
In Jesus name we submit in obedience to Your plan. Amen

Man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from God's mouth
Heavenly Father,
Today our noses are to the ground. You alone are Jireh. We are satisfied with streams of Living Water. Thank You for the table spread for the trees of righteousness in the midst of enemies -our cruise of oil shall not fail. Thanks for the bread and meat sent to Your servants, the green pastures and widows. We will not complain about the sameness of our food nor long for Egypt's onions and cucumbers. Having taken a stand against baal we understand the need for famine. May baal worshippers release darkness and come to the light-Jesus Christ. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
This famine is Your will to help spread the gospel to all nations. Thanks for the Joseph's and Obadiah's- faithful stewards who put resources in place for Your people. Having sown righteousness our tzedakah lasts forever. All bills-paid. Blessed be the name of the Lord and His Messiah forever. Amen

Heavenly Father,
We pray for Persia that on the day when You make up Your jewels, Persia will stand.

We pray that the Messianic Community will:
1. not lose their first love Rev. 2:4
2. not be afraid to suffer for Christ Rev. 2:10
3. forsake food sacrificed to idols and forsake sexual sin Rev. 2:14
4. not be deceived by false prophets Rev. 2:20
5. stay awake. Obeying what they heard Rev.3:3
6. persevere Rev. 3:10
7. not trade their riches for wretchedness Rev.3:17
In Jesus name we ask. Amen.

Heavenly Father,
Today we stand against pedophilia. In Jesus' name we uproot it, tear it down, destroy and demolish it (Jer. 1:10). An industry existing because of a love of luxury (Rev. 18:11-14;3:17; Eze. 16:48,49), control and evil power. Please turn the hearts of fathers back to their children, and prevent parents from passing their children through the fire. Thank You for the angels standing in Your presence (Mt. 18:10). Please destroy the global factory and continue to silence the Adversary (Ps. 8:2). Lord You will account for spilt blood (Gen.9:5,6). Cast a net to capture the perpetrators today -may they not escape by suicide, short prison terms, murder, technicalities, or justice system failures. May the fear of God come on perpetrators and victims (Pro. 8:13). Save souls, deliver, heal and transform. Bring them to Your eternal purposes. Strengthen Your strategically positioned ministers. May they dwell in Your presence. In Jesus name we ask. Amen

In building I clearly state my boundaries upfront so that others can know what they are. If I do not state them others cannot know them since they cannot read my mind.

This ends the series on building and handling emotions. Interested persons may obtain the study notes from:
The book Living with fences

Evil is active not passive. It continuously seeks out and creates new opportunities for doing evil. In building I take action by confronting issues. I do not passively wait to see what will happen. Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

Envy made this home competitive. How might competition damage a relationship?

The purpose of a relationship is to renew strength. Envy and competition defeat the purpose of relationship.
The rule of envy in building good relationships tells me what others possess is outside of my realm of control. Envy signals what is outside of my realm of control. When envy exists I ask God to reveal what is missing from my life.

It is healthy to have a reaction to issues but this is not the end of the journey. It requires maturity to go beyond the reaction to reach out in love despite what may have been done.

...turn from sin, return to God...Acts 2:38

Love will not leave me as I am but calls me to higher ground...

Video: Taking back the rainbow: hidden symbols in the pride flag
In His Image Movie (June 2021)

We thank You for everyone who visits this site today. Help them to know they are loved by You. Help them to discover what being made in Your image means.
Today we pray for the bruised, the broken, the confused and the lost. We pray for those in hiding, unable to face the past, and unable to move forward. We pray for those running from reality, from fear, from expectation and from truth. We pray for babies, children, youth, adults and seniors in pain.
May they hear Your voice, and experience Your presence. May they allow Your healing touch. May they not commit suicide. Save their soul. Set them forever free. May they be totally transformed by Your presence. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Video: In His Image
American Family Studios (March 2021)

There is a difference between hurting and harming someone. Often times we fail to act for fear of hurting others. Yet in doing nothing that person is harmed in the long run. If I act feelings may temporarily be hurt, but if the advice is taken on board, later on the person is better for the journey.

Tough love helps build good relationships. The most dysfunctional relationships are often formed by nice people. God is not nice He is kind.

Continuing on the series .

In building good relattionships it is neccessary to examine the hidden motives which drive dysfunction in my relationships.

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