
WHERE WILL YOU BE as the "new normal" rises from the ashes of a world in ruins.

Out of chaos order - their order.

The beast system digital curtain is methodically being built. The next engineered pandemic, war, and economic collapse is carefully being prepared and enacted.

As the wars, famine and fearful pestilences cause men's hearts to fail, the people will gladly serve a ruler who will give them peace and security.

They will embrace:

Digital vaccine passports = no vaccine no travel

Genetically modified transhumanism = not human

Central Bank Digital Currency = control and tracking of buying and selling

Digital ID's = 666

You still have a window of freedom in many countries.

As the last brick, barbed wire and garrison post were put in place during the last cold war and the gate was shut, few will be able to escape this beast curtain.

As the Armenians and the European Jews, the beast system as spoken of in Daniel and Revelations will round up Believers....


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