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Revival at Asbury ongoing

"Reports from Asbury University say that a revival has broken out in the chapel of the small Christian college campus in Kentucky. Happening Now!

On the morning of February 8, a seemingly normal chapel service took place at the campus’s Hughes Auditorium. It included a message about confession and repentance, according to reports. After the service was over, a group of students stayed behind to continue worshiping. Then more joined them...."



...I see that they are two very large dogs circling around one smaller dog.  The two big dogs are Rottweilers, very fierce and ferocious looking with large spike collars around their necks.  They are slowly walking around the perimeter of the circle on opposite sides, snarling and growling at each other.  The smaller dog is a little chihuahua, sitting in the middle, shaking and looking fearful....

Call me old fashioned but I smell a rat 👃🐀🐁 😯

Chatgpt from openai isn't open source.

I hear Microsoft is investing 10 billion in it. Will they put it in Bing or worse their OS? 😱

To sign up you give your email, name and phone #.

Privacy is the least of everybody's concerns as they jump on this "latest innovation."

Smell anything? 🐭 EEK!! 🙀

Don't miss this one! 😲

Each one-hour segment of the five-part series will premiere exclusively on CHD.TV from Jan. 30 through Feb. 3, airing nightly at 7 pm ET/4 pm PT.

Directed by Holocaust survivor and human rights activist Vera Sharav, the film features personal stories from fellow survivors and their descendants detailing the atrocities of a past that was promised 75 years ago never to occur again while drawing parallels to the COVID policies we’re seeing today.


First heard of this revival from a CBN news article not long ago. I am excited about it because I have relatives near there. 🙌

Revival fire continues at rural Kentucky church - Mark Ellis

The Days of Hitler renewed - Roxanne


"You are in the tribulation. As my judgments have been released upon the Earth. The good times are no more. The peaceful days – gone. I have allowed these things to take place to bring the lost to me.

The enemy wishes to exterminate those who are truly mine. Those who understand the truth, the motives and the plans of the fallen ones...

Are you a wise Virgin or are you a foolish one? The wise have prepared..."

Matthew 9:35-38

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 🐑

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” 🌏

This is very disturbing. I have been shocked to hear repots that Mastodon is flooded with child porn 😯

I found these links from people on the fediverse who posted them to substantiate this:

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