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πŸ™ Pray for Gods provision of venue for the Asbury Revival πŸ”₯
πŸ™ Pray for God to give wisdom and direction to leaders at Asbury U. πŸ™

Pray that the pure work of Holy Spirit would continue at the Asbury Revival πŸ™

Pray that repentance, godly sorrow, the fear of the LORD and holiness would be seen in all gatherings that are seeking for revival πŸ™

True revivalfire is not just good meetings, it is a returning to our God for believers and an awakening for the lost. πŸ”₯

Come Holy Spirit and change us to be holy as You are

We are sorry for our many sins and desperately need Your help to love you supremely.

Wise words from Michael Snyder about Asbury

"As the Asbury University revival moves into its 10th day on Friday, school officials have announced a more structured schedule beginning Monday. Services will move to an off-campus locations starting with the Feb. 24 evening services.

One way to kill a spontaneous movement is to start imposing β€œstructure” on it.

And I believe that it is a massive mistake to move the gatherings away from the university...."

Psalms 145:1-4 πŸ™Œ

I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.

Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.

Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.

1.) Revival is breaking out in a small Kentucky college #asburyrevival2023 and people are flocking from around the country to be part of this outpouring of God's Spirit. Many people have been praying for a transformative move of God for many years but something has changed in those praying for revival. No longer are they content with this move of God staying within the four walls of the church, no longer are they stopping at asking God for souls to be saved but they are asking God for a complete upending of the decaying society from the top down. From the Supreme Court to the education of our children. Our founding fathers experienced a great move of God that captured and alighted the hearts of men, women, and children with Liberty in Christ and liberty from oppressors.

I have started a public channel on Telegram covering revival news.

May the Holy Spirit fan the flames πŸ”₯ of in our hearts πŸ™


2nd "Jesus Movement"? ☝️

Dutch Sheets shares open vision of revival on college campusesπŸ”₯

1st Asbury now Lee University - CBN πŸ”₯

"As the historic revival at Asbury University stretches into its sixth day, one pastor says the Holy Spirit is now moving in a big way on another college campus. Rob Fultz, campus pastor Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee, said revival also started breaking out at his school Monday, with around eight students starting a prayer that ignited a movement. "They were actually talking about the Asbury revival," he said..."

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