In this article that I read with the help of google translator, this man, who cannot and must not be defined as a servant of the living God, affirmed some very serious and dangerous things for the Church, of which if he will not repent he will certainly give an account before God!

In my heart I hope these statements don't really match what he really said and if he really did say them I hope he will repent.

I will post the link of the article and the photos with his statements (also in English)

You will recognize them by their fruits!

Link to the article:

I share with you some biblical verses, but there would be many, which confirm the falsity of the teaching of this man:

[You can also change the version of the Bible on the Bible Gateway site]

1) Leviticus:18:22

2) Romans 1:24-31

3) Matthew 7:15-20

4) Acts 6:3

5) Titus 1:5-9

@faith20 I'm sorry to say my brother, but the Google translator has translated his statement just as he said it in Swedish. πŸ˜₯

These kind of statements I've heard before from some very liberal Lutheran pastors (who doesn't even themselves claim to be traditionally Bible-believers), but this is the first time I hear it from a Pentacostal leader.

@sarikorpi Thanks sister. Unfortunately, apostasy is manifesting itself almost everywhere in the world. We believers must remain steadfast in faith by trusting in God's protection and guidance. We must be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We must not be discouraged but at the same time we must denounce the fruitless works of darkness. I understand your suffering which is also mine and that of anyone who loves the Lord and the Holy Scriptures. Let us strengthen ourselves in the Lord and in the strength of his power. I am really happy to have met so many true believers like you and many others on Ding Dash. God bless you and your family. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


@faith20 Thank you Antonio for your encouraging words and your prayers, you are a blessing to the body of Christ! πŸ™

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