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My son got special recognition from his Air Force training unit today. I thought I congratulate him.
It went like this....

Where do dreams go when they are forgotten?

Brother Yun and BTJ are responding to the deadly floods in Pakistan. Aid is being hand delivered by BTJ missionaries on the scene.

More help is needed. Use the link below to learn what you can do.

My son was only 10 or 11 years old when he posted this on his closet door in his room. He looked at it every day until he left home for university. He has since graduated with honors from the oldest senior military college in the United States and still never lost sight of this goal. I am so envious and admire his single-mindedness and dogged determination.
Today he walks through the gates of officer training school in Quantico, VA to start his career in the United States Marine Corps, fulfilling a promise he made to himself so many years ago.

I try to be a good person but then, someone pulls out in front of me going 10 below the speed limit.
Ugghhh...dear Jesus I will try again tomorrow...

The awesome thing about having a hybrid, short daily commutes, and charging stations in Sweden where the overwhelming majority of energy comes from renewable energy is this! I filled up my tank almost a month and half ago and am still on full! 🥳

Sinobach boosted

There is so much grief in my heart. I am grieving the loss of my stepdad. I am grieving for what my mother is currently going through. All I want is to take her home and make a home for her.

I spent the past 4 days and nights with her at the care home, holding her as she grieved at night. I’ve an inside view now, and I don’t want her there. I sill believe she needs to be with family.

She is also starting to wonder if God has abandoned her, she’s lost her husband, dogs, and home all at once.

Please pray for a miracle, that God makes a way for her to be with me. She needs to be with family that loves her. I don’t want the hardest time of her life, at 80 years of age, to be compounded by her being in a carehome. Needing some miracles from God and a path forward.

Also please pray for protection from Covid, a nurse there just came down with Covid, don’t want the facility to be locked down to where she can’t see me, or for her to get Covid and they stop me from seeing her 😭💔

"Tyranny grows slowly and asks us to retreat in comparatively tiny steps. - Jordan Peterson.

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