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Sinobach boosted

Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994)
We live too much in this world. We're earthbound. How many of us know someone who is eternity conscious? What America needs is somebody who will go through every church in the country and preach for a week on eternity: Preach one day on
the Judgment Seat of Christ. Preach one day on
the Judgment of believers. Preach one day on
the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Again, I've
told you before, I don't just want to go to heaven,
I want to go to…

Went to see my step-dad on the covid floor at the hospital today.
I felt pretty official.

Sinobach boosted

Make Children Plentiful Again

And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it." —Genesis 1:28

A bit crass, but then again, so is travel in 2022.

Sinobach boosted

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." -Isaiah 40:29 💪😔↗️💥🤕

Twitter Yesterday: Block US Congress Member
Twitter ALSO yesterday: give FULL access to Taliban
This is why we have DingDash

HUGE news today that Twitter will not be happy with.
Thousands are leaving Twitter. Should Christians be doing the same?

PSA - it turns out that Chlorine does not burn your eyes or make them red when you swim in a pool.
Your eyes burn because Chlorine, when mixed with urine, creates chloramine, a type of ammonia and becomes an irritant. That is why your eyes burn.
Think about that next time your eyes are red from swimming in a pool - it is NOT from the Chlorine.
You are welcome.

My wife and I just paid our final College tuition payment!
Woohoo! What a blessed way to start 2022 - both of our boys are starting life with ZERO college debt.

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