So far we’ve only raised 170 of the 1000 for the wedding. We are doing what we can do to make it cheaper.

Or if you want to help through PayPal, that works too.
I’m raising $3,000 until 03/24/2024 for Wedding and college. Can you help?
I am looking for support for a wedding and for college in Kazakhstan. I’m praying for the money very soon. I need about 1000 usd for college and the rest for the wedding. Thank you for your consideration and any assistance. It would mean the world to my wife. I had several clients default on me and so I used the money that was supposed to be for my life here to pay my employees down to my last penny.

I’m probably going to share more of Kazakhstan and mission stuff here. Feel free to share with friends. 😊 Currently, there is religious freedom in Kazakhstan and it is legal to do evangelism. There’s a lot of atheists and Muslims or former acclaimed Christians. As Jesus says, “The harvest truly is great and the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into the harvest, for behold, the fields are white unto harvest.” Also, a piece of advice for any Christian. Never be afraid of trying something new or to be a pioneer somewhere, to go somewhere everyone says no to. Be inquisitive. Jesus says we must become like little children. Children are naturally inquisitive. Be inquisitive and open to learning or going or doing something differently, even when it looks impossible to your perspective. And when things look impossible, look to God in FAITH and trust Him with everything. He is able.

I’m living in Kazakhstan with my wife. Well kind of. We have all of our marriage certificate but the Russian Baptist Church we are a part of won’t let us live together until we have a wedding. They won’t let us have a wedding unless we have her visa done to come to America or my documents done to live in Kazakhstan. I need to get a work visa but I don’t have any college degree. The only other option is permanent residence and I need 12000 usd to sit in the bank for a month while they file the paperwork. The government needs to see if we have the money is all then I can return it to the lender after the month of paperwork processing. I and my wife both feel called to Kazakhstan which goes against the grain of the advice from everyone else. Please pray and if anyone wishes to help, private message me. Praying for all the church and that the gospel will spread to the entire world. Be faithful and steadfast.

I haven’t been on here in a while. Here’s this cool q and a with Ben Shapiro. An interesting theme is that people want peace and safety in Palestine and Israel and between the two states (If you can call palestine a state) but they reject all offers of peace, and desire the obliteration of God’s nation. Although I would allow both Israel and Palestine, I would believe the state of palestine shouldn’t exist since from the time of the Bible till now, the philistines (palestinians today) have terrorized God’s people.

So, you mean to tell me the governments are restricting the sales of chicks in one of the most necessary and important areas? Lancaster county has the capability to raise and farm lots of chickens on their processing facilities right in this area. They post this though at the local tractor supply company. That and it wastes time. That's why I don't often get on social media.
This is a very important video of information for today and about the things that are going on. PLEASE WATCH THIS. IT IS HAPPENING.

According to the head of the Israeli army’s operations division, the entire top military command of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip has been killed! Please continue to pray as Houthis in Yemen has said they will fire rockets into Israel. Hezbollah and Hamas are still threatening to take action if Isreali officials visit the temple mount tomorrow which is Tisha B Av.

Shabbat shalom y'all. Here is some developments of the last 48 hours with Israel to keep in prayer. Gaza threatened Israel and said no one was to visit the temple mount tomorrow. The IDF responded by drafting another 23000 reserve troops and beginning operation breaking Dawn. So far 15 jihad senior officials have been killed as well as 20+ Islamic jihad activists in the west bank. Gaza has fired 160 missiles of which 10% fell in Gaza. Gaza has stated that they are in no hurry to get anywhere. We will continue to exhaust the enemy. Israel stated that they will continue to fight and target jihad officials until the jihad stops sending missiles. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

I was going to my room this evening while all the lights were out. I had a bit of a thought. To often in our lives, we are walking in darkness and we see the smallest amount of light like from a night light. We become too focused on the small bit of light and stumble and forget to find the true light. We focus on terminology, etymology, theology, and interpretation rather than just opening ourselves to the possibility that we could be wrong, and just taking God's word as it is, believing it, and most importantly, OBEYING it. When this is all done, we want to force others to believe our story and follow the small light rather than realizing that we are not following the real light.

We are now under the control of a faucist government who has been marching across the world without resistance. So far there is no country that has not yet fallen to the leaders of the party. They encourage fear lest someone stand and loose their freedom. They also encourage patriotic pride in the new Government by wearing a mask and getting the jab. If you do not do these things you are a danger to the regime and they encourage all those who see you to mock you for refusing to be patriotic to the cause of great freedom and the Nutsy party.
I do not in any way endorse these things as right. I had an idea to see where the word Holi in our word Holiday comes from. The result? See the following link.
I think of the festival of lights, and modern Christian celebrations. For understanding of how our creator would like us to respond, please read Leviticus18:3-5

Shabbat Shalom dingers! I hope you have blessed Sabbath.

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