But in the past few decades, organized medicine has seen these as marketing opportunities, to build this enormous vaccine industry that we see today.

#TTAV #BigPharma #truth #healthfreedom #vaccineindustry #vaccine #TheTruthAboutVaccines #mandatoryvaccinations #forcedvaccinations


@thetruthaboutvaccines Great to find you on this platform! I've been following you for a while on FB. I appreciate what you are doing and that it's high quality stuff incl research. I have recently bought the book with the same name (haven't read it yet). Maybe it's getting harder to share things honestly and openly on the big platforms? Especially about vaccines? I will check out what you share about the covid vaxx... I live in Finland, where they have recently started the vaxx program from Pfizer. I feel so ambivalent and it's disturbing that media here don't ask any critical questions.

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