How is life where you live, regarding C-19? I live in Finland, where we have among the least cases in all of Europe. But our news tells us every day that the situation is really bad. I’ve been working from home since March 2020. I miss my colleagues and students. I miss having guests. I miss my two sisters who live with their families in Helsinki and Stockholm. Thank God we have something called right of public access. We have full access to all land, including forests and beaches (like in the rest of the Nordic countries). There are many walking trails, and ski tracks. We become full-blooded outdoor persons. Dr Joseph Mercola writes: “The cost for lockdowns in Canada, in terms of Quality Adjusted Life Years and Wellbeing Years, is at least 10 times greater than the benefit. In Australia, the minimum cost is 6.6 times higher, and in the U.S., the cost is estimated to be at least 5.2 times higher than the benefit of lockdowns.”

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