
Sign quickly up for The Truth about Cancer documentary that is airing live in several episodes right now, the next few days! They are online for 24 hours. This episode is available for a few more hours. They are telling the history of the highly corrupt pharmaceutical industry in the USA that started in the beginning of the 1900 with Rockefeller and others. There HAVE been several clinics in the USA that have been treating cancer patients successfully during the 20th century, but been forced to close down because of AMA. Some doctors were killed (poisoned, house burnt down etc). There are so many people that have been treated naturally, but their stories are silenced or censored, as well as their doctors. PLEASE educate yourself and allow your preconceptions to be challenged! I am not against science, quite the opposite. The more I dig and learn, the more my eyes open about all efficient methods and natural medicine created by God, that are silenced and hidden.

Zach Vorhies, a Google whistle-blower tells in this episode about how even Google censor health sites.

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