
@farmerjohn Such a great article! Almost 12 years on an average in prison. Respect!! Some say, persecution is the normal and a peaceful life is an exception throughout Church history. Am I prepared for that? I don’t think so, and I don’t want it to come and I am quite comfortable… but I see some signs that it’s coming here. Still people are not killed here, but “canceled” and slandered. Do I have my identity and security in Christ, or in “Christian stuff” like Church buildings, traditions, denominations, pastors, own assignments, loyalties? I don’t think so… I’ve been in a (painful) process the last ten years of being stripped away things that have given me a false sense of security and identity. God is preparing me, and others, for something. I’ve seen people struggle with their religious identity the last year (like I haven’t), when they have not been able to meet in certain buildings. The Chinese know that Christ lives within them and is with them regardless of where they are.

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