
A prophetic song. Many of us have had broken fathers and/or mothers. The good news is that the curse is broken through the new bloodline (Jesus’), and we have a perfect Father! We don’t have to repeat the same mistakes as our earthly parents. A renewal of the mind is not always easy, because we have to actively change our way of thinking, be honest with ourselves, recognize our own brokenness, but God is willing to help us if we honestly cry out to him and he makes us new creations! It’s an ongoing work. In God’s eyes our brokenness is not a disaster, but a possibility for him to use us for his purposes. We learn empathy. He has promised a new family and blessings for all who are rejected by their families (some fathers want to kill their own children for turning from other religions to Christ). God’s heart is beating for the widows and fatherless all throughout the Bible. He is defending the weak and needy. This is what He is like!

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