@Cherishingsparrows2020 in what way has it changed? The pale print? Are you worried it's fake? It says organic... If it really is organic, you shouldn't be worried. Oolong tea has many health benefits. https://draxe.com/nutrition/oolong-tea-benefits/
The brutal art of early Soviet antireligious propaganda posters, 1920-1940
"The magazine actively denounced all religions, hence, rabbis and priests were a basic target for attacking. Often accusing them of collaborating with the rich, as well as the counter-revolutionaries, they were blamed for corruption, laziness, and as a tool used by the rich to control the masses."
Please pray for the president of Finland who will make a phone call to Putin tomorrow! (Last week he visited the White House). As I shared earlier, president Niinistö might be the head of a state that has had the most frequent meetings with Mr Putin. One of the reasons for that might be that Finland is a buffer state between Russia and the West. We have had no other choice than to understand Russia, and to have a dialogue with them... This has been critizised by some Swedes, but these days Sweden is turning to Finland for advice and help.
I walked to the city center from my job for my lunch today, and saw some soldiers in full combat gear and armored cars and tanks. The air force is also flying over the city. Finnish military are conducting urban warfare training drills in several cities in Finland this week. They do it regularly, and this exercise was planned a couple of years ago. Some might think the timing is perfect, or a little scary.
A senior epidemiologist has publicly apologized to his daughter’s generation for failing to more strenuously oppose “morally wrong” COVID lockdown measures such as school closures that caused massive damage to children.
A temporarily free ebook about covid and treatments.
With more than 70 percent of its surface covered by forests, Finland is – by far – the most densely forested country in Europe.
My friend said the other day: "Why would Putin want Finland, there is nothing here other than forest. We don't have the same natural riches, as Ukraine". It was comforting. The only reason he would want Finland back, is if he is a megalomaniac and wants back the old, great Russian/Soviet empire. We don't know what's going on in his head - there are so many speculations. So far Finnish leaders have managed to please the Russian Bear after our independence, but now we have trampled on its paws by sending weapons to Ukraine, and by our presidential visit to the White House. But all of West is backing up Ukraine, so we are not unique in that sense. (Picture from FB: "FInland in my heart")
Swedish-speaking Finn from Finland. Wife, mother of one boy (2008). Teaching special education at the local university. I belive that the Organic Church/House Church is the NT way of doing Church. I'm interested in what's going on in the underground Church and I pray for the persecuted Christians.