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From our kitchen window. Sunset at 4.30 PM, and it's almost -20°C. Still short and cold days.

The pictures to the left: Women in Afghanistan, some decades ago and today. Pictures to the right: Iranian women some decades ago and today. I found this on Soheila Fors' FB page. She is from Iran (lives in Sweden), so I trust what she's telling (even if I can't read the text myself).

Thank you all for your prayers, and some of you have sent private messages asking how we are doing! I appreciate this DD community! ❤️ Even if we tested positive yesterday, I've had symptoms for 8 days. It hasn't gotten worse, so I see it as a good sign it won't get worse later. I've got the same mild symptoms as when I have the common cold. Not even ache in my muscles or throat. Just coughing when I'm laying down.
My son has lower fever now, so it's going in the right direction.
My husband, who lives a very healthy lifestyle with lots of running and skiing, has been more tired than usual and has the same sensations in his throat - but he's been working all the time (he works from home). I tried to encourage him today to work less, and focus on getting rid of this first. We are having vit C, vit D, zink, echinacea, herbal teas, raw honey, lemon water, chaga and maitake mushrooms (in capsules), breathing essential oils from a diffusor. Tomorrow we will get colloidal silver.

WE HAVE TESTED POSITIVE! I've had mild flu symptoms since last Thursday. I took a home test on Fri, that showed negative. I've been working so far this week, but felt tired, and worked shorter days. My husband had fever one night a couple of days ago, but he's been working as well (you don't easily stop him from working, as he has lots of deadlines and meetings). Our son (13 yrs old) has stayed home from school for two days because of symptoms, and last night he got fever. He's still got quite high fever. Tonight my husband wanted to take home tests, and we all three tested positive. None of us are injected with mRNA or have any particular health issues or diagnoses - so our immune systems are probably intact. But please remember us in your prayers anyway - especially Edvin who has fever!

A second update about my friend Mikael who is still in hospital. Unfortunately they won't let him go because his oxygen saturation is too low. They wanted to put him in IC on ventilator - exactly what's not a good solution (according to many). Both him and his wife have refused it, and it seems like the doctors have respected it if I understood it correctly (we discuss in a Telegram group). His CRP was 84 some hours ago. His wife wrote that they won't let her visit him. We wrote that she should demand that, because she is married to him, and has just recovered from C-19. There is so much strange things going on when it comes to C-19. Why put him on a ventilator when they just have started to give him antibiotics for his pneunomia? And then they report the news about how many unvaccinated they have in IC. Please, pray for a quick recovery and for protection from harmful interventions!

Be faithful in the little things! God can open doors for you in his timing - he knows when you are ready. Be yourself and focus on what God has put in your heart, even if you would be misunderstood by other people. Shouldn't we be more focused on praying God's will be done in other people's lives, than making our own judgments about them? My experience is that God chooses unlikely people anyway... that he will be glorified, not we.

Please pray for a friend of mine (middle aged) with covid! He's Christian and has asked for prayer. High fever for almost a week. He has taken Ivermectin, Zink, vit D etc. He's not vaccinated (if it matters, since they are so ineffective). He is going to check his lungs at the hospital today. I have no idea what protocol they use for covid, if it helps or if it only boils down to a person's own immunity.

Freedom marches were arranged even in Finland today. This is from Helsinki with 3000-5000 participants, which is much in this country. People are very peaceful. I don't know if MSM has reported this event yet, or will report. They have reported very little about demonstrations and marches around the world. The only thing they say is something like "a small group of right wing extremists... "

I don't know who's the artist, because I found it in a Telegram group.

"Sun rises in northernmost Finland after two-month polar night".
Every country is dealing with their specific problems. 😁 When you live in a country where you don't see the sun for a couple of months, and the sun so pale that you don't get any tan of it for 6 months a year, you appreciate the summer and a trip to a country with strong sunshine is luxury! (This explains why Scandinavians don't want to sit in the shadow, when everybody else wants to). 😂

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