
Be faithful in the little things! God can open doors for you in his timing - he knows when you are ready. Be yourself and focus on what God has put in your heart, even if you would be misunderstood by other people. Shouldn't we be more focused on praying God's will be done in other people's lives, than making our own judgments about them? My experience is that God chooses unlikely people anyway... that he will be glorified, not we.

@tanjaostman when my sister was sick and bedridden, family members would tell at her and said she was not trying to get better. Then one day as I was helping I was thinking the same until the Lord said to me was walk a mile in her shoes before you judge her. And it made me pray for her and encourage her instead.

@tanjaostman God is The Master at seeing what we don't isn't he!!! 🙂

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