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An interview in English with Finnish economist PhD Tuomas Malinen on European recession and depression, and the energy crises. It's interesting to listen to him, because he is not bought by anyone - he speaks freely what he believes. He hasn't bought into the C19 narrative or the World Economic Forum.

A message of warning to America, and the West, from the underground church in Iran, about a coming persecution.

"The first one of these (high electricity prices, inflation, rate hikes) is enough to effectively guarantee the arrival of a deep recession in Europe before the end of the year. The second one (gas delivery disruptions), if materialized, would, most likely push our continent into an outright economic depression, and to a massive social unrest or even outright uprisings. We, thus, could be facing our darkest winter and spring since 1945."

"According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus. These clinical alterations may explain the association reported between COVID-19 vaccination and shingles. As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued. In addition, the date of vaccination should be recorded in the medical record of patients.../... COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients."

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