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Another beautiful and very cold day. Took these pictures on my way to a lunch restaurant by the (frozen) sea. Look at the sun in the second picture - that low and pale at 11.30 AM! Dark at 4 PM.

Tanja boosted

20% of The Karen's of the world are dictating to the other 80%.

Tanja boosted

WOW: a preprint study for The Lancet shows protection from the Covid shots declines severely after only a few months—and that Pfizer/Moderna may have had reason to suspect this from the beginning.

This revelation of corruption and recklessness is horrific.


Tanja boosted

Everyone is asking why the numbers in Florida are so low. 🤷‍♂️
Without a mask mandate in Florida, how could this be?
What if our natural immunity is one of the best front-line defenses? Besides rest, diet, and exercise, our immune system needs vitamin D.
Natural vit D is largely from the sun, processed when our skin is exposed to sun light.
The skin on our face is often the most exposed to the sun and processes a large amount of the vitamin D that our body needs to boost our immunity.
Perhaps we should ask, what happens when we cover more than half of the surface area on our face with a mask and significantly reduce our body's ability to access natural Vitamin D?

Tanja boosted

Sign up for free a documentary called Covid exposed. Every episode expires within a few hours, and they are already at episode six. It's possible to buy the whole series. Interviews with medical doctors, top researchers, whistle blowers etc. This information is being heavily censored.

We have a tradition of celebrating Finland's 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮 Independence day (Dec 6th) with two neighboring families. This year we met outdoors in -13°C. Celebrating our Independence day is not like celebrating the 4th of July. For obvious reasons there are no celebrations outdoors. But I remember growing up, this was a very serious holiday. Maybe people remembered wars and sorrows, losing loved ones? But now there are only a few veterans alive, and the mentality has changed a bit. But I am thankful to my forefathers fighting for our freedom when attacked by Russia several times. Finland used to be a part of Sweden for several hundreds of years until Sweden lost a war against Russia in 1808-1809 and had to give this area away. Then we became independent in 1917, when Russia was busy with the revolution. Then we had a bloody Civil War. Then we had a few wars when Russia tried to take us back.

A survival guide for -20°C (as we have today): layers of clothing and wool. Wool and wool. Wool is the perfect material because it's breathing, stays dry and keeps you warm. When you have many layers of clothings you easily sweat and it's super important that you stay dry. I have wool underwear, socks, mittens, scarf, caps (not this one), sweater... almost everything. My boots are one size too big so I can wear two pairs of socks.

The criminal company Pfizer is killing and injuring children in Vietnam. Why haven't they already stopped this crap after all deaths around the world? But human lives don't matter - only money.

Tanja boosted


19,532 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 28,689 Total Reported Deaths

99,943 Total COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations/181,030 Total Reported Hospitalizations

927,738 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

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Tanja boosted

⚠️Danger⚠️ Phone on Plane
10 years ago, we were ALL told to turn off our phones and laptops because it messed with the flight navigation system. As a pilot, I knew that it wasn't true, BUT we all followed the rules anyway.
Now, many years later, we are told that we can indeed have our phones in use during flight. It was NEVER a danger. Common sense told us that it was never a danger, but we all conformed -
Today we are told to have our phones in flight mode during take off and landing - as if that makes a difference.
Again - we all kind of know it isn't true - but we do it anyway
We like to scold the guy still checking his email right before take off because he is putting ALL of our lives in danger. He obviously doesn't care about THE SAFETY OF OTHERS.
Like the phone on the plane, I wonder....
how long will it take before we ALL realize that WEARING A MASK IS EXACTLY THE SAME.

Great picture! 😂 The persons who should be locked down.

A screenshot from Laura Aboli's channel on Telegram (not owned by Big Tech and no censorship). HANG IN THERE!

The same thing a doctor from South Africa testifies. No hospitalizations because of Omicron. Seems like a mild flu. Those that we always have around us. BUT you need to close down countries and force vaccinations or punish those who refuse. Madness.

Tanja boosted
Tanja boosted

Anti-vax mandate protest in Cyprus
Austria anti-vaxxers broke through police line😎
Austrian's ain't taking it! God Bless them!

Tanja boosted
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