I got my two boys with me. One is a senior in university training to be an officer in the US Marine Corps and the youngest is a freshman in university training to be an officer in the Space Force.
And what is the request for a series that we can all watch together as we hang out?
Little House on the Prairie!!!
All of the Bachs are vegging out watching LHOTP - season 1.
How manly of us!


The Grizzly Adams series is still one of our home favorites lol (along with LHOTP)! We missed you yesterday in Bozeman. We decided to drive up to Great Falls to visit the family (28 hour straight trip!). We wanted to see your BTJ presentation, but it ended up being too much to juggle. With 17 cousins all under the age of 12 we had quite the glorious cacophony in play. Great to be in Big Sky country again... even if the smoke somewhat blurred the landscape. I was an ICBM "missilleer" at Malmstrom AFB then took command of a PAVEPAWS unit in Cape Cod prior to relinquishing my commission.

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