Do you think the cultural war against gender is new?
NO! the Communist Party in China launched massive campaigns saying that there were NO differences between men and women in the 1950s. It was ALL just a social construct of the male patriarchy.
Sound familiar?
When this ideology was embraced in China, the results were deadly


@sinbach The enemy hates God's good Order. Whether via a Marxist ideology or Western "Rights", he is always desirous of marring, maligning, and removing God's amazing patterns of Gender, Marriage, Maternity, Paternity, and Sexuality. Next on his steppingstones will be creating a thirst for genetic alteration. Whether via Transhumanism (H+), or a Pop-Culture trends (X-men), he will once again attempt to mar the very "seed" under who's heel he is meant to be. Genesis 6 and the "days of Noah" Jesus warned us of.

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