A question to Americans! This childrens choir seems to be Mormon. But it's a well known, Christ centered worship song by Mercy Me. It's beautiful! I have seen other videos by young Mormons - songs written by non Mormon Christians. If it wouldn't have been for their clothings, I hadn't guessed their background. In Finland Mormons have a very bad reputation - it's considered a cult here. That's even my view after all I've heard - that they follow Mormon's book, not the Bible. I have also heard that there are minor shifts going on in theology and practice in Salt Lake City... Is it true? Are there true followers of Christ in LDS or is it impossible to be a member and to only follow Christ, without living under a slave yoke of religious duties and heretical teachings? Is it a cult? youtube.com/watch?v=acwsBIl15z


@tanjaostman adamsroadministry.com/

If this link works, this group is a beautiful ministry who have come out of Mormonism.

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