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@sinbach Love this quote: "Is hydroxychloroquine the answer to the virus? What do I know? Just like the director of the WHO, I’m not a doctor. Just like the directors of Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram – medicine is not my expertise and is precisely why I would like to hear what medical experts have to say without interference of data-dictators trying to hide it from me."

Praying! I'm also seeking God for wisdom about media creation including video for Godly causes.
Would be grateful for prayer support, too!

Anyone have prayer requests today? Let's lift each other up and I also would appreciate your prayers for our video ministry...

US Marines lower the flag over the US Consulate in Chengdu. This will not open up again tomorrow. We are entering into a new stage.

@raymondthebrave It's from Rick Joyner's social media post. I think you should be able to copy and paste this in Google or any search engine and source it back to an original document.

@xerofly I am not an doctor and I am neither for it or against it. there are so many charts that go both ways. as far as i know they are not using here in Sweden where I am at. What I do know is that big tech companies are trying to push their agenda and silence anyone who speaks against it. that is worrisome.

@sinbach A friend of mine worked in a Covid hospital, and some of his patients died using Hydroxy, but then again, most were very old.

Facebook is going crazy right now with their ban on the viral video of physician group's coronavirus press conference in D.C... What are your thoughts?


“Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness. Get control of all means of publicity and thereby get the people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sex books, plays, and trivialities. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance. Encourage government extravagance...
Vladimir Lenin, 1921.

The members of my church often have dangerous jobs and risk their lives at work by being exposed to COVID-19. We make your life easier by delivering food, fighting your fires, and caring for you in the hospital.

If we want to go to church on Sunday, after a long week, then you call us crazy fools, but you never call us crazy when we are serving our community. You only do that after you learn about our peculiar faith.
For most of us, church is the only place where we feel loved and welcomed.

Hello, I just joined today thanks to Eugene Bach. Let's get started on Ding Dash...

DingDash is one server in the network