
@sigsegv So you re a chess master! Years ago I had an older friend who loved to play chess and started a club in our town. I remember his first rated tournament. He beat a high class A player who was almost an expert, Bill, who couldn't believe what happened to him. It was the biggest upset that hosting club had ever seen. The we went to a simultaneous exhibition at Texas Tech Univ. where grandmaster Larry Christenson played about 100 people at once. I watched my friend play and toward the end of the middle game, my friend managed to get one or two points ahead with an excellent position much to my surprise. I studied it and told him he could win if he kept on and didnt loose his cool, because as more people were eliminated, you had less time before the master got back around to you. But, alas, my buddy choked in the endgame and ended up loosing! Not one man (I don't believe there were any women there) beat Larry, but I still believe to this day, my friend could have.

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