In the BTJ childrens book series, what does Fufus name mean in Chinese?
Comment below with your answer!
@speakthetruth missed the ‘ Fufu’s lol
@Backtojerusalem Doesn't fufu mean blessing?
@Backtojerusalem from what I know it means blessing and happiness.
@speakthetruth you’re very close!
@Backtojerusalem Good luck?
@speakthetruth your 1st guess was closest!
@Backtojerusalem Gift?🤨 😄
@speakthetruth go back to your 1st guess.... I’ll give a clue in an hour 😉
@Backtojerusalem @speakthetruth
@Rinati @Backtojerusalem That was my second guess. Blessing was my first guess.
@speakthetruth @Backtojerusalem
Lol... Well if I win I'll let you have it 🙋
@Backtojerusalem double blessing
@qabauman correct!!
@Backtojerusalem @qabauman let qabauman have it. 😄 Congratulations. 🙌 🙌 🙌
@speakthetruth @Backtojerusalem @qabauman
Oh I see, you ALREADY GUESSED happiness. It wasn't correct, I suppose?
@Rinati @Backtojerusalem @qabauman It was double blessing. If it wasn't for me not knowing the chinese language I would have known. Fu means blessing so fufu means blessing blessing or double blessing right?
@speakthetruth @Backtojerusalem @qabauman
Now I see 🤔
@speakthetruth @Rinati @qabauman you were soooo close!
@Backtojerusalem could I get Issac's story (Son of the Underground) ? I got The Heavenly Man for answering on Persian question.
@Backtojerusalem Isn't it Fufu? Typo.