We dedicated our green screen, & new-look studio, to God yesterday.

Earlier in the week, as we were sorting the small corner of our home where we do this, Jo described it to Peter who didn't quite get it

'that we creating it in our epicentre...Jo and the older boys then laughed as they thought of our studio being likened to the centre of an earthquake...but when I started praying with Jo later that night - in 2 super comfy chairs that have felt like burdens for 3 years (in houses where they never 'fitted') I prayed God would use our attempts and obedience - with BerryBunch - for Him.

As I spoke those words in prayer, I felt a movement of the Holy Spirit heating my body, and exciting me - I wasn't able to pray out loud for a few minutes after that wonderful encounter!

I truly don't know why God led us to do BerryBunch but I do know we're being obedient.

And I love the idea our Studio could be an epicentre for God to work from, with our family in the very centre.

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily I love this! Kids love puppets! I will be praying for continued guidance πŸ™

@MaryMamuzich Thanks. Prayers most gratefully received :-) and very welcome!!

After more than a year of doing this we've finally gotten to a place where we feel like we're starting to do what God has asked - not because it's taken us ages to obey lol just that it's taken a long time to understand and make work what we felt we should be doing; learning to use the software; generate repeatable formats that function for us etc.

Our latest Endurance episode and Little Blessings Online episode (and Story Time with Dave thanks Dog) are our basic standard. Now we can start improving it, but any skill takes a while to learn!! We're just scratching the surface...at last ;-)

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