Be grateful, even for the small things you can accomplish

Today I'm making our bed.

Last time I tried to tidy it up, I had my first cut to deal with while on blood thinners - from a bolt that holds the frame together.

But I'm learning to get on with what I can do, when I can do it, and be peaceful when - like this morning - I felt a little in need of a bit more rest.

But this afternoon that extra resting (not my favourite ever!!!!!!) has paid off as I'm able to, slowly but surely, put fresh bedding on our bed.

For me that is an achievement, and one that I'm feeling very blessed to be able to do today.

I've even organised the table dryer loaded, loaded the washing machine myself.

Small things, but important. And each one I feel blessed to be able to do, as I start to get back with the idea of living.

So, put really simply count your blessings!!

Andy B


@bethany it isn't quite a linear recovery. But it's definitely more up than down 🙂

Being grateful has become a whole lot easier. That's is for certain!!

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