We're back - well we never left DingDash, but the BerryBunch.family are back following our house move! It makes sense, really...

The BerryBunch.family Recording Studio Mk. 3.0 is up and running (although we need to tweak the audio a little) and we've started recording new material again. And we need to find some rugs!!!

Anyway, we've got a 60 second update video coming REALLY soon, and an Andy B 2 Minute Video all about Beards and Spiritual Growth...yes, really!!

Our house move went really well, and we're loving the space of the new place, especially the room we now have as our studio, and the amount of room we have in our studio - we're no longer squishing into such a tiny space, and don't need to practice our gymnastics just to move around!!

Win win

The BerryBunch

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