
Andy B 2 Minute Video, Be Led, Not Driven! S04 E053

While chatting with a friend this morning, I was struck by the ease with which we can be driven along by life, when we really should be resisting that pressure, and being led instead.

Sure, there can be life issues which pop up in front of us, which we quickly need to deal with, dropping everything in order to do so. There is a rush or life that we need to pay attention to.

However, we should be led not driven, most of the time.

Not one person on the planet enjoys being forced to do something they don’t want to do. If we’re driven to something, then it is not something that tends to be a positive experience.

But, if we can be led somewhere, we are far more likely to enjoy the journey, the experience, and the outcome. [READ MORE]

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Andy B

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@Berrybunchfamily This is such a real issue for so many, including myself. We answer to The Good Shepherd alone.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 amen. It's so easy to let ourselves get driven. I'm certainly one who struggles with this

Andy B

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