Family Prayer Time - S01E010 - Ramadan


Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always – to pray as a family. This time, as suggested by Darlene from DingDash, Peter and JoJo pray for people across the world who are partaking in Ramadan.

Ramadan is a religious time of fasting for a whole month, from dawn to sunset – for Muslims to devote time to their Religion. This year Ramadan started on 2nd April, and lasts 30 days.

Peter and JoJo pray for people practising Ramadan around the world who are devoting time for prayer and reflection to get closer to God.

It is good to take time to seek God and the bible tells us to:

‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.’ (Matthew 6:33)

For the rest of this post and some resources to help you pray visit our website -

The BerryBunch

@Berrybunchfamily Thank you, Jo and Peter. Prayer is a powerful gift from God. It is wonderful that God is bringing many Muslims to His Son Jesus Christ! I have a sister currently in a Muslim country. I think she is probably glad Ramadan has now passed. During Ramadan, each morning around 2:30am a drummer passed by on the street calling that it was time to get up to prepare food to eat before dawn. I say, "Amen" to these prayers that those who have sought to enter Heaven by fasting will find the true Door to Eternal Life, Jesus Christ.


@Cherishingsparrows2020 Thanks Darlene. We posted the Family Prayer Time for Ramadan just in time before the month of fasting ended! I didn't know there was a call to get up at that time in the morning, but that makes sense I order to eat food before dawn. It was good to pray for people fasting for Ramadan. Thanks for suggesting this. Jo

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