
: God’s provision

Thanks to @Cherishingsparrows2020 for this one 🙂

It speaks of God’s miraculous provision for so many things, including needs for health and a home. It shows His love for us – as His children – and how God uses all sorts of people to help us along our journey.

God’s provision
Several years ago my family and I moved to the house where we now live. There is more to that testimony, but I’ll leave that for another time. At the time of our move, we owned our previous home but didn’t have a significant savings or a high income.

From the time our first child was born, I’ve stayed home with the children. So, my husband has been the only one earning a regular income.

We purchased our current home through a special arrangement, and with the expectation that our previous home would very soon be sold or leased out. [READ MORE]

For the rest of this Testimony visit our website -->

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