@tanjaostman theres a line in a film spoken by Wil Smith, in I-Robot.
He'd been stating how the robots were not a good thing, and then the whole world realises as the robots take over.
As he dashes into a building to save someone who heavily criticised him for being paranoid, he utters the following words:
"Somehow, I told you so, just doesn't quite cut it".
Seems rather apt right now doesn't it
The only clarity I have is that the leaders of nations who were the most scared about their eternal destination, were the most controlling of their peoplez and the most insistent on vaccines to fix everything...even though we all, already, knew that they could - at the very best - do nothing more than perhaps reduce the symptoms in some people if they had a bout of covid
So sad when logic is thrown away as it was
For a world obsessed with reason and rationality, it soon disappeared when it didn't agree with their world view
Andy B