– Steven’s Testimony


Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag .

Testimonies are so wonderfully powerful!
This one is from Steven and an experience he had more than a decade ago. We love Steven for his wisdom and tenacity and is half of the driving force for one of our regular broadcasts – Endurance.

Steven’s Testimony
Many years ago, when I was a child, I wrote this testimony – of a time when the Holy Spirit comforted me. I’ve shared it in several Children’s Church services.

I was sad and alone in a school playground, so I asked God to comfort me. At that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to see who it was, but there was no one there to have touched me.

I immediately knew it was the Holy Spirit who’d put His hand on my shoulder. And, being reminded of His presence, I was comforted.

If you've a testimony we could share online to encourage others, let us know.

Andy B

@Cherishingsparrows2020 it really was, and is ! If you have a testimony you could share, we'd love to do that and encourage others.

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily I do have testimonies! I will love to share sometime🙂
Tonight I have a testimony to share, but it's not my own. My husband's cousin lived with us over a period of several years and then married a year ago this past December. She and her husband maintain a close relationship with is and join is for our evening meal (do you call it dinner or supper?🙂) most Wednesdays. Two of her brothers have been living in Kiev, Ukraine. They had no money to leave. They are young men and men were not being allowed to leave. They are Ghanaian and apparently black people were not being allowed to leave. God worked several miracles and they are now in Poland! This was truly a miraculous escape. Maybe it was a compassionate police officer, or was it an angel who assisted them? One of these young men didn't even have his passport as it was out of the country for renewal.


@Berrybunchfamily there was a typo I missed twice. "Is" is supposed to read, "us".

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