

Ancient world.

Marx and British Museum, British Library.
The UK foundation back in the 1600s, and also the stories from the 11-1200s with a king John who gave over the land to Roman Law - the Papacy.
John Dee, Francis Bacon, the Atlanteans and "John Dees - Why do YOU require... science..." -> see science and gnosticim, see Bible about the depths of satan warnings and what is known as hermeticism.
It all connects.

The very same stuff over and over - just digging deeper shows more details, connections.

PS. This is 50-200 years past tense. It is just being fed to the masses ("us") like bone thrown to a dog and also like "the noble lie" linked with "revelation of the method" same old stuff.

Once (15-1600s+) we called it "Romanism" and satanism and witchcraft etc. Whatever that was, hmm?

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