Ian Powell boosted

Please pray; I got laid off from my job at the Bar Harbor Inn last Friday due to a COVID scare, and am seeking to know what His next step is for me.
In my life, I've made my most expensive mistakes by wanting my will more than His. (Psalm 106:13-15) I SO don't want to do this in this season!
The biggest challenge I'm facing is that my work provides my housing; otherwise, I don't have anything. They are letting me stay, but I have to pay the rent somehow. Should I stay, or be released to have a place of my own?
Please pray for God to provide a beautiful place to call home.
Thank you, DingDash Family...

One of my most favourite songs of all time. Psalm 23,

Ian Powell boosted

today is a sad day. I just learned that my dear friend, a house church pastor in Anhui province, and very dear BTJ partner, his wife passed away.

Ian Powell boosted

So excited to be apart of this new social media platform. I will be encouraging others to join for sure


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