@JillPLong hi Jill. I’ve sent you a message with a link to our ‘help documents’. You should find on there all the info you need. If you have any questions though, just drop me a message and I’ll be happy to help ☺️. So glad you’ve joined us ☺️

@JillPLong Sinbach had posted a video. Maybe he'll read this and have it posted as a permanent post on the page with an icon, or something like that. It took me a bit to get on to it. Click on the globe on the upper left to get the timeline. (I still don't understand the difference between the Local and Federated.)

@JillPLong Scroll down to where you haven't see and work your way up to the newest post. Like it? Hit the heart. Comment? Hit the arrow and the text box will drop down on the left side of the screen (if you are on a pc). Type and 'Ding' when done. You have 500 words. If you go over it'll show a negative. Finish you post on 2 or 3 or 4 or more if need to complete your thoughts. Want to pray for something and encourage others to do so? Hit the 'Arrow Square'. That's a start.

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