@farmerjohn Great! We have two chickens that are already 4 yrs old. We had four, but two have died. They lay eggs quite seldom... but our son wants to keep them, since they are his pets and he loves them.


@tanjaostman @farmerjohn we always raised 50 hens and 50 roosters. The neighbors called my dad, "Chicken Harold"🤣 Most of the roosters went in the freezer... But we always had our pets. A few spent the day on my dad's workbench in the garage watching him work, or sit on his lap when he rested in the shade. I remember the sweetness of cuddling a hen.

@MaryMamuzich So sweet! Then you know what these animals are like.

@tanjaostman yes, we had cows, horses, chickens and pigs... Lots and cats and dogs. Huge garden...

@MaryMamuzich wow, such an upbringing! My son, who is an animal lover, would have loved it! I am allergic to fur animals, so we have two rabbits who live outdoors.

@tanjaostman I really did have a fairytale childhood. My parents had a honeymoon that lasted 67 years. My dad is with Jesus, my sweet mom will be 91 in May.

@MaryMamuzich @tanjaostman what a testimony. We are still on our honeymoon 47 years and vessel has our Lord.

@Kruselady @tanjaostman I understand the whole spell check thing! I've been a victim many times☺️

@MaryMamuzich we got eight of these quties a year ago. We kept one. And the mother was sterilized after that. Unfortunately the cub was killed by a bird, which was totally unexpexted. It was so sad. We have tried to protect them from foxes and other animals, by building fences. Now it's too late for her to get more babies, so we have only the mom and old dad left.

@tanjaostman she is so cute!!! I had a rabbit but not in a pen, "he" ran everywhere... And then had many...many babies...that got in the rose bushes and other flowers.🤦

@MaryMamuzich @tanjaostman @farmerjohn Love this! We don’t have chickens but many of our friends raise them. We partake of the fresh eggs! We live in the country (although people have built by us now) and we have lots of critters who visit-rabbits, opossums, raccoons, squirrels, ducks etc) My husband has to keep me from having a farm to take care of them-lol!

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