I really don't want to start a fight and I don't know who needs to hear this, but after looking at my newsfeed today, I just want to say .... pls stay healthy.
Many of you look much better BEFORE you diet.
Don't try to get skinny, just get healthy.
Healthy looks way better on you than skinny. TRUST ME.
I'm COMPLETELY convinced that the INSANE American ideal weight index for women has been constructed by angry anorexics who are on a penis embargo and use their shoulder blades as weapons to stab each other.
So before you start that stupid summer starvation diet to fit into some horrible looking outfit that was designed for a nine year old and is attractive to NO ONE (excluding Epstein island visitors), please know that
#1 there is such a thing as a woman, it is NOT a social construct, and the way you were designed is a SUPER POWER. 💯
#2 women have curves and hips and they are freaking awesome!
AND #3 happy, healthy and glowing are ALWAYS more attractive than h'angry and ghastly.


@sinbach LOL!!! You have no idea how you cracked me up with this!!! Oh my gosh! So funny! So true.
Amen! Preach it!
Now... where are those twinkies!

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