It's a little funny. We got four chickens in spring 2016. Two of them are still alive and kicking, but they lay eggs very sparingly at this age. We don't have them to save money, but because they are our son's pets, and he loves them and doesn'twantustoget rid of them. 😀 They live in an old barn at my parents-in-law, a couple of hundred meters from our house. Today we found two eggs. It was -18°C outdoors, and -5°C in the barn. They have a heat lamp. Otherwise they would lay no eggs at all in the winter.

@tanjaostman we had so many chickens when I was little. 50 hens and 50 roosters - 47 roosters went in the freezer. We didn't have heat in the small barn - the cows put off enough heat the hens produced all winter.
My mom sold milk and eggs to the neighbors.

@MaryMamuzich wow, that was a lot! You didn't have to buy eggs or chicken meat. Were your parents farmers?


@tanjaostman they grew up in a farm family. We had just a few cows, pigs, and chicken, a big garden. I'm the youngest of 8 children.

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