It's time to break out the weapons. ⚡️

"the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses."
1 Corinthians 10:4

Here are some suggestions for going to war for the Kingdom of God.

1. Bless your home by inviting the Presence of God

2. Ask the Lord to help you identify demonic influences in your home. Consider books, movies, music, magazines, even photos of an old flame you haven't yet relinquished....

3. Bless your children.

4. Listen to one another.

5. Walk the length of your property, inviting God's presence.

6. Bless your enemies and those who persecute you.

7. Proclaim a curse on the works of the devil.

8. Bless your city council and county commissioners with an awareness of the Presence of God. Bless them with wisdom.

9. Bless extended family members and neighbors. Be specific as the Holy Spirit leads you.

10. Ask the Lord to anoint you for a new assignment.

What else can you think of?

@KarlGessler I live in a small housing department of about 26 homes each having 5 acres, anyway I've walked the road and praying mostly of these points over our neighborhood because there was a few neighbors that were starting to.....not get along.
There now is peace ! God is incredible!

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